Tiada Pilihanraya 2 DUN Di N Sembilan

Tiada Pilihanraya 2 DUN Di N Sembilan

Pakatan Rakyat, dalam masa terdekat, tidak perlu berangan-angan untuk bertarung lagi pada pilihan raya kecil di dua DUN di Negeri Sembilan selepas gagal di Bagan Pinang.


 Umno Kuala Pilah dan Seremban masing-masing menafikan desas-desus di internet bahawa ADUN Johol dan Lenggeng akan meletakkan jawatan untuk membolehkan pilihan raya kecil.

ADUN Johol Datuk Roslan Md Yusuf diura-ura akan berbuat demikian akibat mengalami sakit tulang belakang selepas jatuh sewaktu bermain badminton kira-kira dua bulan lalu.

ADUN Lenggeng, Mustafa Salim pula didakwa akan dipaksa meletakkan jawatan sebagai wakil rakyat kerana sedang dibicarakan atas pertuduhan rasuah.

Timbalan Ketua Kuala Pilah, Datuk Hassan Malek berkata desas-desus tersebut “tidak benar” dan “ia diada-adakan”.

Beliau diminta mengulas dakwaan laman web Sabah Daily.com yang menyebut Roslan “sedang bersabung nyawa” akibat kanser tulang yang “genting”.


 Surat peletakan jawatan ADUN itu bagaimanapun didakwa telah ditolak oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR).

Walaupun mengakui ADUN Umno itu mengalami kecederaan, Hassan berkata Roslan tidak perlu meletakkan jawatan.

“Tidak timbul soal letak jawatan, saya dan ahli jawatan kuasa bahagian boleh membantunya.

“Malam esok, saya akan turun ke kawasan beliau, untuk program bertemu dengan rakyat di sana,” kata Hassan kepada Malaysiakini hari ini.

Mengulas mengenai kesihatan Roslan, Hassan berkata, kali terakhir beliau berjumpa dengan Roslan pada hari raya Aidil Fitri lalu.

Beliau, yang juga ahli parlimen Kuala Pilah, berkata ADUN itu berada dalam keadaan baik dan “tidak membimbangkan”.

Bagaimanapun pergerakan Roslan agak terbatas kerana berkerusi roda, tambahnya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Puteri Seremban, Wan Salwati Abdullah berkata, beliau tidak mendengar desas-desus bahawa Mustafa akan meletakkan jawatan sebagai wakil rakyat.

“Semalam saya ada di cawangannya di Sungai Machang, ada jamuan Aidil Fitri Pemuda dan Puteri, beliau buat kerja macam biasa sahaja,” katanya ketika dihubungi Malaysiakini hari ini.

“Setahu saya, setakat ini kesnya masih dalam perbicaraan.”

Beliau diminta mengulas tulisan di blog pro-pembangkang Kedah La Nie yang mendakwa pilihan raya kecil DUN tersebut “mungkin berlaku apabila mesyuarat Umno peringkat pusat memberi lampu hijau”.

Blog itu mendakwa dengan kembalinya sokongan bukan Melayu di Bagan Pinang seperti keputusan 11 Oktober lalu, “Umno berkemungkinan menggulingkan calonnya yang ada sekarang. Melalui SPRM (Suruhanjaya Percegahan Rasuah Malaysia)”

Menurut exco Puteri Umno itu lagi, beliau turut bertemu Mustafa sepanjang berkempen pilihan raya kecil DUN itu, yang dimenangi Tan Sri Mohd Isa Samad, dua minggu lalu.

Mustafa dihadapkan di Mahkamah Sesyen Seremban tahun lalu berhubung dua tuduhan rasuah dan kesnya sedang dibicarakan.

source : http://malaysiakini.com/news/115353

October 19, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

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October 19, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

10th Malaysia Plan, What About Malaysian Indian?

10th Malaysia Plan, What About Malaysian Indian?

The tenth Malaysia Plan will be the most significant national strategy document in Malaysia for the next five years (2011 – 2016). It will provide the socio economic directions, identify specific programmes, make provisions for the allocation of resources and set the key indicators for measurement. Input into this process at the formative stage is imperative and efforts are underway through a participatory process to receive feedback and review the Ninth Plan with the view to ensure that the Tenth plan incorporates the aspirations, needs and concerns of all communities. The Tenth plan must ensure that all sections of the Malaysian society have a share in the wealth that is created and distributed. A draft document containing the review and recommendations from the Malaysian Indian community, has been prepared through a working group process that was held from August 24th to 26th at the Prime Minister’s Department in Putrajaya. This document with supporting papers containing recommendations is now being circulated to a wider consultative group for feedback, input and analysis. This is a consultative process which is participatory in nature where representatives of national civil society and community based organisations have the opportunity to provide their input and views.

To provide an opportunity for national civil society and community based organisation to review the available analysis and recommendations for input into the Tenth Malaysian Plan.

To receive input, feedback, criticism and recommendations on how to effectively address community issues and concerns.

To institute a consultative process where there is a regular dialogue between key stakeholders responsible for the socio-economic development of the community.

To foster closer partnership in ensuring that information and services reach the intended target group and grassroots.

To ensure that there is effective monitoring and implementation of public sector services in order that the bottom 40% experiance social inclusion and are able to access the services and provisions.

For information, a National Consultation session is being organised by MIC on 5th November 2009 in Kuala Lumpur. Participants who would like to partake in this event must be a representative of an organisation as this consultative process set up for receiving input from civil society and community based organisations.

Details of all earlier policy activities pertaining to the Tenth Malaysia Plan in receiving input and analysis can be sited at: www.malaysianindianstenthmalaysiaplan.blogspot.com

If you would like to participate in this session, please do by senda request, as the number of seats are limited and the demand for participation is increasing i would urge anyone interested to immediately notify via email address : pkamalanathan@mic.org.my .

I would also like to inform you that, your request in participating is not the confirmation that you would be able to attend the session, You would be notified via an official letter.

by P.Kamalanathan
National MIC Information Officer

October 19, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment